Friday, November 30, 2012




在我下线做功课前,我想向我的师范朋友,大声说:"THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! "虽说这学期是我展开师范生活的起步,不过,没了你们,我······我······我简直就会为之崩溃!






Mother Theresa


新学期刚开始时,我还蛮讨厌你为什么那么挑剔,说我吃的仪态难看、走路超级无敌粗鲁等等。Waliao eh,我为什么不Girly-Geli不可??!!还有,当其他同学围在你身旁,说你是贤妻良母时,我心里完全不是滋味儿。应该说,是妒嫉鬼作祟吧!







我还记得,我们有好几次同组做Project,而最大的是数学阿塞门。我这个阿蒙,做什么都懵懵懂懂,有啦,就是找资料方面特别特别讲究咯。你就像照明灯一样,给我看清阿塞门实况,还一直叫我不停检查Spelling Error, Typing Error, Margin等等。还有,我想在此感谢你和我一起找关于Sejarah Nombor的Bahan Bercetak,否则我就要为它发疯了。



Mr Good

我对你的第一印象是:帅气、随和、绝对足球狂、鬼点子一箩又一箩。是的,每次讲师讲什么,你都会以无限创意和幽默应回讲师。(不要叫我在此Justify My Answer咯,我记性欠佳,什么Example什么Elaboration都忘了,脑海里的Video Tape就有。)还有,你整天就那句“Bo Jio!!!”好吧,这次我Jio你来太平吃喝玩乐,有兴趣的话我明年Jio你进佛学活动,不要说我Bo Jio你咯。嘿嘿哈哈!!! :P(可以的话,我想Jio大家咯。)

我记得我当时获悉我在Social Studies的阿塞门组别里,我又是唯一的女生时,心里忐忑不安。不是怕什么,就只担心我要求太高,会给众组员带来无限压力;沟通方面欠佳;(毕竟我之前很少很少和异性沟通,讲话也一针见血!)还有,功课做得不好。你当时还跟我说:“不用这么怕的啦,我们又不会把你吃掉!”


后来,你当Social Studies小组的组长。我只能说,你的Idea太多,太多了。你任由灵感天马行空,不过终究还会回归现实,更会找最简单的方法完成Project。因此,虽说做Project的时间非常非常短,很神奇的,我一点压迫感都没有,反而觉得很开心。






还有,我好像跟你合作做阿塞门N次了。让我一一列出:Recreational Sports, Language Development, Social Studies, Kemahiran Berfikir(还有吗?)配合度超高,而且你还在我做Project做到走投无路时给我指导,否则我早就已经Mati在Jalan Mati了。谢谢谢谢!!!(鞠躬)这是巧合,也是恩缘。 :)(缘缘缘,缘缘缘,缘到在地上转圈圈!)


哦,明年你做组长,祝你一路顺风,Rock the class! :P


其实,哎,要我写类似感言啊,简直就是一言难尽啊!Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!



A Taste of East Malaysia

My friends have often told me: East Malaysia is fascinating.

I have not been to the Land of Horn-bills nor the Land Below the Wind in my life. I often wondered how those two places are like, and hey, I would like to pay there a visit if possible! (Although I have absolutely no clue on the places there-I just read about them through the Internet.)

I was fortunate that early in July, the students from Cohort 4 in my campus held a Gawai Kaamatan Celebration so that we can together celebrate the festival by the Dayaks and Kadazan-Dusuns. It is indeed an eye-opener!

My class (as of July 2012, pre-second intake)
FROM TOP LEFT: Michelle, Sheau Chien, me, Xiao Nian (a.k.a. Mother Theresa), Lynster, Jia Ying, Hui Xin
FROM BOTTOM LEFT: Hua Jin, Angus, Jia Hao (a.k.a. Mr Good), Chee Hwa (a.k.a. Ah Tan), Roger

Scrumptious Sarawakian Snacks

It was a little too late when we went there as the "Unduk Ngadau" was over. Nevertheless, we still got to watch the battle-of-strength (in which two people clench each other's fists and the one who stays wins) and the eating competition. I was invited but I turned down. (Hello, I cannot eat oranges fast! It will choke me!)

Stage View

Too bad we were only there for a short while due to class!

I sincerely hope there is such event in the future so that we can know about the various ethnics in Malaysia more.

Money Problem? Face Problem?






母亲说的,一点也没错。出外生活,花了那一点点钱,也会觉得牙龈隐隐作痛,心脏被割了一瓣。我简直就是吃饭不知米价,在cafeteria买了一盘五令吉的饭,就直喊“很贵啊!!!”也许之前没吃过经济饭、Nasi Campur等类似食物;或者我家人对孩子是包吃包住的,自己的零用,分文不花的缘故吧?










这还不要紧,有些更对我冷嘲热讽,说:“Yerr,这么大只,吃到这么少,学我们啦,吃多一点!”小姐啊,个子大,不一定胃口也大的咯。正因为我个子大得离谱,我更要吃得少,动得多。换个角度想,少少分量撑得住一个巨人,证明我的Energy Efficiency很高,Input少,Output多,对不对?










我当时气在心头上,但是却尽力压抑着内心的风暴,恐怕我火山爆发,届时粉身碎骨。值得吗?何况我还十八岁,年轻得是,还要读书、做义工、培养爱好的叻。我承认,我喜欢一个人(也许还暗恋他了呢?)我也希望有男朋友。(大言不惭地承认)不过,我还不够成熟,讲出去还不知能不能吓坏人家,毕竟我比他高,举止有待改善,太粗鲁了。还有,我正学习如何好好分配时间。I want a wholesome balance for me and for all.



"You are so NOT fashionable!"

Waliao eh, 我的钱不是从天上掉下来的,好吗?



真正的好料! :D




是,我们学院周围就有很多供休闲、吃喝玩乐的地方,绕过一幢豪华公寓,走一段路就到Tesco,向旁直走就到E-Gate,确实有很多美食。Sushi King啊,Noodle Station啊,Pappa Rich啊,Boston啊,什么都有,还有酒廊呢!(不过我很乖,我滴酒不沾。)不用愁吃,只怕你没钱,No money no talk嘛,对不对?




都是Nasi Lemak,不同场所,价钱不一,不过,价钱越贵,不一定越好吃!

还有一次,我班举办太平三日游。在太平游最后一天,我和Ah Tan带同学吃太平远近驰名的Cendol。Ah Tan是该三日游的主席,当然由他讲解咯。他一讲解就是长篇大论,说Bismillah的曾被八度空间《Ho Chak!》采访,Ansari的则未被采访,人气较为逊色,所以哪一间Cendol店比较多人光顾,可想而知。






在妈妈指导下诵经、吃美味的素炒饭、看报纸剪报、听爸爸唠叨些政坛风云、看妹妹弄些奇怪发型然后弄什么pose、去Tropics或Ipoh Bakery购买香喷喷的面包、去南禅寺·······



这份午餐呢,则是我在Alamanda Putrajaya的Kenny Rogers吃的。分量大,材料新鲜,好吃!(对我来说,该分量其实够给我两餐了!)不过,价格在RM30左右,不能常吃!



Jelly Mooncakes

Simple dish with love


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Part 3: Life at the Hostel (2)

Hostel life-is it cool or disgusting?

Well, it depends on how pampered and disciplined you are!

As I first stepped into the dormitory, I did not actually feel overwhelmed or scared, despite the fact that I was from an ordinary day school. To me, it looked like a camp with ten double-decker beds, lots of small tables and musty curtains. Some of the cupboards were even dysfunctional!

Fortunately, it will be housing just seven girls. (As of the First Intake. The Next Intake came in in mid-July but somehow they live separately with us.) Things will not be that horrible, after all! :D

Dorm Life
Ah, before I forget, let me explain why are we living in dormitories instead of rooms for two. I was bombarded with these questions by many of my friends (Urgh!) and here, after I post it, PLEASE DON'T ASK ME AGAIN or I'll whack you! *Evil look*

A scene in the dormitory.
Here is the reason: female teacher trainees are in abundance and hence the shortage of rooms. Thus the female students from my batch were to stay in dormitories throughout the semester until some seniors graduated and moved out. 

I will share about how I survive life at the hostel, okay?

I have had three wardrobes in the dormitory: one in the iron locker for formal attire (Hey, you cannot be ironing your clothes DAILY, right? Better off hang them. Plus, crumpled clothes are just not tidy and smart!); one in my... LUGGAGE. Yes, LUGGAGE. That luggage is for my sports attire, indoor wear and towels (they do not get crumpled easily... I ROLLED them anyway to save space!); one in my little purple portable drawer, which I kept torches and anything which is small in size (for clothes, I need not say more, right? Which is small?)

#Say more and get ready for a "beh hiao kian siao!" (you are shameful) comment thrown onto me. Anyway some things are better kept private.

Thanks for the small amount of inhabitants in the dormitory in Jambu block, I got a double-decker bed for myself to store items. Well, that was later when we decided to refurbish the dormitory for more purposes since the weather was burning hot. My friends decided to sleep on the floor as it was cooler. Me? No, not the floor no thanks to my vertebra...

As for cleaning purposes, my dormitory is just opposite the bathroom, washroom and laundry. (All three are combined) To avoid waiting, I woke up early to shower. Since I am rough in terms of action, to ensure minimal noise level, I prepare my clothes the night before. In Mandarin, the best term to describe my attitude is “大咧咧” and normally, my friends asked me not to do so much of “大反应” (Large reactions) and “大动作” (Large actions) (To those who study best in the morning, you can try this too! It saves time!)

#At times I wonder if I really belong to Libra after all. Librans are supposed to be graceful!

What my table looks like when I am caught in a frenzy for completing assignments, homework, etc. after an exhausting day in class. To avoid food wastage and food poisoning, I bought such jam in small bottles so that each bottle of jam can be eaten at one go. It is pricey (around RM13) but for safety purposes, that's what mum advised me to buy.

Come Friday evening, when I stay back in campus and have too much work that keeps me from going out, I will purchase this packaged meal from the canteen. Yes, economy rice. The meal above costs me RM2.50.

Perhaps food at the cafeteria will help me towards vegetarianism? There is an abundance of variety in vegetable dishes there provided that you go early! Besides from saving money, I actually aim to be a vegetarian by 21 as well...
For those who are wondering, here are Sharon Ng Huey Yuek's tips on saving time in hostel life...

  • Purchase simple food for breakfast, e.g. bread, cereal drinks, biscuits etc. I do not have a kettle myself (and it is prohibited, mind you!) so I rely on the watercooler at ground floor. If you get hungry early in the morning before everyone else wakes up, eat OUTSIDE! 
  • Prepare your homework on the table so that you can just pull them out and complete them quick and easy! (That is 100% useful for lazybones like me...)
  • Wash your clothes RIGHT AFTER class. Toss your pajamas, formal wear, indoor wear etc into a large pail, (better if you wash them slightly beforehand), soak them in water with detergent then leave it for 1 hour or two before washing. No odour guaranteed provided that you wash the soap off properly after that!
  • Have a To-Do-List.
  • Iron your clothes once a week. Yes, heap them up and iron at one go! It saves you time and electricity. That applies if you have at least five sets of attire.
  • Discipline is the key. You are not at home anymore so please GET USED to hostel life as fast as possible and do not dawdle at all!

Honestly, I prefer dormitory than room because it is easier to hold discussions and chat in a single room together, although living in a group means more toleration and patience needed! I admit that I am notoriously reckless and rough at doing everyday tasks (and sometimes I wished I was born as a boy instead, given my un-girly character, gigantic physique and rough voice, HAHA), that I ended up facing the music! Plastic bag as laundry bag, waking up at 5am in the morning with a tummy that growled so loud that it could literally shake the dormitory, rushing into stuff...

Room does not matter as well actually. More private space. :P Whatever it is, both have their pros and cons, am I right?

Okay, since I am born as a female, I really have to practise being genteel, gentle and graceful even if I DETEST it! Imagine have to switch to that "lemah-gemalai" mode. Yikes!

#Accept your fate, you unladylike-lady! (That's what my lecturer told me, to be more ladylike. Grr... I love beautiful clothes but I hate taking things slow! I cannot imagine suppressing my voice but if I do NOT change, will I actually FREAK people out of their wits!)

At least I no longer drag the furniture, throw books all over the bed and sleep on them and use my cutleries as musical instruments. Hehe.

#WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU CRAPPING AGAIN? Better off rapping than crapping yo!

To my dear dorm mates, thanks for being with me for this one whole semester and I sincerely apologise should I do freak you out in any way with my rough and rushy attitude. (Thanks to Buddha, I've learnt how to calm down and do things gently. I cannot bear noisy eating-at least!) I apologise if I poke my nose into inappropriate moments and annoy you guys in any way-I just need someone to talk to. Frankly speaking, I LOVE talking and hate being left out, but when it comes to work, I will rein myself in.

Thank you for guiding me towards maturity and a more ladylike manner. (Since I look as if I am 21, I think it would be more appropriate if I really behave like one, am I right? But, can I?)

END NOTE: We no longer live in a dormitory in October as we moved up to warden's house. Of course the living pattern is still the same except that I go downstairs for shower since I cannot stand the weird smell in the washroom upstairs. He he he he...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Part 2: Life at Hostel

I will skip those long-winded registration processes since it will be really LONG to explain everything (and quite monotonous as well!) Here, let me allow you guys to take a peek into my life at the hostel!

For those studying in IPGKPP (Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Pulau Pinang), you will know where the Jambu Block is. For those who are not otherwise in the know, fear not-I will NEVER lead you on!!!

#And I apologize for the lack of photographs around the campus yea. Workload inhibits my intentions of doing so. (Is it an excuse for your annoying LAZINESS?)


As far as concerned, there are currently eight hostel blocks in use, in which four are for the male trainees and the rest are obviously for female.

The male blocks are:


It is situated VERY, VERY close to the administration offices. Mind you, one of its doors is just opposite the Educational Knowledge Department (Jabatan Ilmu Pendidikan), you know? Of course, meeting the lecturers and dealing with the Student Affairs' Department is an absolute bliss. Think the consequences if you ever behave badly!

My seniors told me that it is beautiful. How beautiful it is is beyond my knowledge as the only place I could see is the iron grille with the sign stating "Girls are prohibited to cross beyond this zone" that is hung at the grille. (And please do not ask me about it. I AM A FEMALE OKAY?!)


This block is the smallest among the other hostel blocks. Situated in a three-storey building in which the lowest floor is the Examination Unit (Guys, help me to grab the tips for examinations next time, okay?), it has no dormitory unlike many other blocks. (That's what I got from my guy friends, once again) It is just opposite the administration offices, so here, meeting the lecturers require less walking as well. Walk just a few steps to your left from the block and it is playtime! Neh, it is near to the field for you to work out in the evening. This block is the closest (though not really that close) to the New block as you will just have to turn right and walk forward for a few hundred metres.

#I am EXTREMELY jealous of the boys in my class. Everything is really convenient for them since they were living in Ciku! Grr...

The downside of living in both the blocks mentioned is that they are very distant from the cafeteria.

Now I would like to introduce about the other blocks. They are similar-four storeys and the structure is similar as well!


It is just next to the cafeteria and not too far off from the administration office, though it is not as close to the office as to Amra and Ciku. Nearby the block there is a recycle booth, in which the Buddhist society in my institute often does the recycling activities.


Pala-Pinang. Yes, Pinang is also very close to the cafeteria but a considerable distance away from the main blocks mentioned. It is just next to a female block, Pala.

How about the female blocks?


Rambai is the latest hostel block built for females. It looks gigantic but actually the bottom level is for technical purposes. (e.g. pre-pump room) It has four storeys and the office governing hostels is at the ground floor. Unlike other female hostels, Rambai has rooms specified for pantries. However, the rooms are smaller as they do not have wooden compartments unlike the other blocks. The building structure is special as well. (Note the staircase) The rest do not have any circular structures like this-just plain staircases.

If you exit through the door of this block facing the cafeteria, turn right and walk your way through a slope to the Gelanggara, where assemblies are held.

Taken from the Internet.

Pala is situated next to Pinang, and can be seen as though as it is halfway buried if viewed from the balcony of the other two female blocks, Nona and Jambu, Well, they look buried because they are built at the lower ground! (You exit from the door of the cafeteria which faces the hostel blocks, then walk a flight of staircase down and take your own way to go to the hostels.


Walk slightly down the slope from Rambai and you will see two blocks. The block in front is Nona. Walk straight from the door of Nona to the cafeteria. And there is another slope towards another block...


If the new block (the place where we have our lectures) is in the East, then my hostel block is in the West. (Of course, I'm TOTALLY unsure about the directions, HA HA.) Yes, so my hostel block is MILES away from the new block and you can imagine walking at least 1 kilometre (if I am not mistaken) to class daily. You might be wondering, what's the big deal walking a merely 1000 metres per route? Well, think over it when slopes after slopes and narrow staircases are concerned! (I describe the staircases as narrow as I have a big shoe size myself-9 or 10. That is very big for girls!)

#Perhaps it is purely due to excessive calorie intake and lack of exercise like my grandmothers do?

So here, ALL THE FEMALE BLOCKS ARE NEAR TO EACH OTHER. Consulting seniors is certainly a bliss! (For females...)

Yes, I must admit that my hostel is the furthest from the new block, academic block and the administration offices. If you do come to my campus, let me walk you around and see for yourself! *chuckles*

On the bright side, we girls get to exercise more since we had to walk through and fro over such distance and keep fit! (It spoils my otherwise combed-for-half-an-hour hair as well, no thanks to excessive perspiration in the process. Yikes!)

Dorm Life

Okay, the picture above is a sneak peek on my hostel life which I will continue in my next post, since it is 2.45 a.m. and I will be leaving for Penang tomorrow! I have lots of other stuffs to do and yeah, it's too late the sleeping time now!

Good morning everyone!

PART 3: Life at the hostel (2)